Revenue Recovery Solutions

Technology-powered solutions to recover more revenue

Speed collection of unpaid and underpaid reimbursement with technology-powered solutions for managing commercial plan claim denials, complex claims, accounts receivable and patient payments. Our revenue recovery solutions expedite challenged claims by appealing and overturning denials, maximizing patient coverage options, and speeding payment for full account resolution.

AR Recovery

Accelerate revenue, reduce AR days and maximize payer reimbursement with deep analysis of your accounts receivable inventory for all payers. Our experts work as a dedicated extension of your team to continuously improve the time to collect on your inpatient and outpatient accounts receivable. Our process includes specialized recovery programs encompassing system conversions, safety net programs, AR cleanup, Veterans Affairs and Workers’ Compensation inventory management.

Denials Recovery

Speed up appeals, overturn denials and ensure full reimbursement with our full-service denials management solution. PCS Denials Recovery is a full-service solution staffed by experienced clinicians, attorneys, certified coders and reimbursement analysts to recoup earned reimbursement from commercial, government and managed care payers who have wrongfully denied or underpaid claims.

Complex Claim Referrals

Maximize reimbursement for Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)/Third-Party Liability (TPL), Workers’ Compensation (WC) and Veterans Affairs (VA) claims. Our staff attorneys, clinicians and revenue cycle experts manage your complex claims from admission through resolution to ensure appropriate reimbursement for services delivered.

Patient Resolution

Improve the patient experience and boost payment rates. Our solution combines digital-first patient payment technology with compassionate customer service to increase patient revenue and loyalty with personalized payment options that can consolidate bills, customize finance plans and create a positive user experience.