Case Study: Worksheet S-10 Identifies Missing Uncompensated Care by $4M

Smiling female doctor give high five to little biracial patient


A Southeastern medical center misinterpreted guidelines and underreported charity care for both insured and uninsured patients.


PCS reviewed the claimed charity and bad debt in preparation for an audit and performed a detailed policy review. PCS’s regulatory expertise and proprietary S-10 technology were used to analyze electronic claims data to capture hidden reimbursement and uncover compliance issues.


With PCS’s help, the medical center was able to increase the identification of uncompensated care by nearly $4 million, a 53% increase from the general ledger approach previously utilized. Qualified charity care increased by over $2 million, which doubled the medical center’s charity care for both insured and uninsured patients. Total bad debts increased by 27%.

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