Worksheet S-10

Get full charity care reimbursement

Optimize uncompensated care payments and assure compliance with our industry-leading solution for Worksheet S-10 payments.


Optimize revenue from uncompensated care with expert guidance

Disproportionate share hospitals (DSH) count on PCS Worksheet S-10 to ensure full recovery of eligible uncompensated care revenue. Our specialized team of former Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) auditors maximizes uncompensated care payments under the DSH program.

Find more revenue

Recover all the revenue you are entitled to with our AI platform featuring proprietary rules and algorithms that quickly processes large volumes of data to accurately determine allowability at the claim level on the Medicare cost report.

Overcome complexity concerns

Redeploy your staff to other high-value work while we expertly tackle the complex rules and documentation required for uncompensated care reimbursement success.

Achieve unbeatable compliance

Depend on our solid relationships and experience with the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) and CMS for a nearly 100% MAC audit pass rate to guide you to the best financial outcome.

Realize long-term success with an experienced partner

Leverage our expertise and knowledge of this specialized revenue to optimize results and keep improving. Here’s a look at how we work together:

You provide patient and claim-level data from your patient financial services (PFS) system as well as remote, read-only access so we can analyze your situation and answer any questions on our own, taking a significant burden off your staff.

We perform a prospective review, running the data through our proprietary rules and algorithms to identify actionable claims. Highly skilled auditors thoroughly review all claims to ensure compliance with Medicare regulations and intact documentation.

We provide a detailed patient listing with allowable uncompensated care claims and associated dollar amounts to help you recover all earned revenue. We work directly with Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) on any follow-up issues or questions.

Highly skilled auditors provide comprehensive support until the Worksheet S-10 is finalized. We share our deep expertise with best practice policies and procedures for ongoing improvement.

Looking to learn more about us? It all starts here.